Total supplier of branded products

We help you from idea, design and concept development to production, stock keeping and distribution.

  • Tailor made - tailor made products for your business.
  • Available - We create a customized webshop that we manage for you.
  • Know how - Our purchasing department keeps track of the trends in the market.
  • Environment and ethics - We have a strong comittment to the enviroment, quality and fair trade.
  • Success - The right product, for the right price, delivered at the right time.
  • Experience - We have more than 30 years and 140 people who are pationate about branding businesses.

Systems and structures

Like many others, we are committed to environmental stewardship and want to do our part to help the environment.
This is also confirmed by our environmental certification (ISO 14001) and all that this entails.
The ISO requirements contribute to making clear in which areas we can contribute locally to improve the environment globally.

When purchasing products, we encourage our producers to reduce their carbon footprint through environmentally friendly operations,
like reduced packaging, more effective distribution and logistics throughout the service chain. This gives our customers the assurance that
we make every effort to live up to our customers’ environmental demands.